vibration motor manufacturers


How To Make A Vibrator Motor | Best Micro Vibrator Motor

To make a vibration motor vibrate is very simple.

1、All we have to do is add the needed voltage to the 2 terminals. A vibration motor has 2 terminals, usually a red wire and a blue wire. The polarity does not matter for motors.

2、For our vibration motor, we will be using a vibration motor by Established Microdrives. This motor has an operating voltage range of 2.5-3.8V to be powered.

3、So if we connect 3 volts across its terminal, it will vibrate really well.

This is all that is needed to make the vibration motor vibrate. The 3 volts can be provided by 2 AA batteries in series.

What is a vibrator motor?

A vibration motor is a motor which vibrates when given sufficient power. It is a motor that literally shakes.

It is very good for vibrating objects. It can be used in a number of devices for very practical purposes.

For example, one of the most common items that vibrate are cell phones that vibrate when called when placed in vibration mode. A cell phone is such an example of an electronic device that contains a vibration motor.

Another example can be a rumble pack of a game controller that shakes, imitating the actions of a game.

One controller where a rumble pack could be added as an accessory is nintendo 64, which came with rumble packs so that the controller would vibrate to imitate gaming actions.

A third example could be a toy such as a furby that vibrates when you a user does actions such as rub it or squeeze it, etc.

So vibration motor circuits have very useful and practical applicaions that can serve a myriad of uses.

How is a vibration made?

Sound waves are formed when a vibrating object causes the surrounding medium to vibrate. A medium is a material (solid, liquid or gas) which a wave travels through. ... The more energy put into making a sound or a sound wave, the louder the volume will be.

How vibration is produced in Mobile?

Cell phone small vibrating motor

Among the many components inside the phone is a micro vibrator motor. The motor is built in such a way that it is partially off-balanced.

In other words, a mass of improper weight distribution is attached to the motor's shaft/axis. So when the motor rotates, the irregular weight causes the phone to vibrate.

Post time: Nov-14-2018
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