vibration motor manufacturers


What makes a cellphone vibrate?

What makes a mobile phone or smart phone vibrate? What is the device use to vibrate the mobile phone?



Mobile phones are made to vibrate by a very small electric motor with an eccentrically mounted weight on the shaft. When the motor spins, this unbalanced weight makes the phone vibrate in exactly the same way that a solitary soggy duvet in a washing machine makes it shake, rattle and roll all over the kitchen.




The motors that are used in mobile phones really are very tiny. some of them aren’t much bigger than 4 mm across and maybe 10 mm long, with a shaft well under 1 mm in diameter. It wasn’t very long ago that these titchy motors were regarded as a mechanical marvel with a price tag to suit. Now we can make then by the million, and cheaply enough to use them in things like throw-away vibrating toothbrushes that sell for a fiver.

A vibration motor is a motor which vibrates when given sufficient power. It is a motor that literally shakes.It is very good for vibrating objects. It can be used in a number of devices for very practical purposes. For example, one of the most common items that vibrate are cell phones that vibrate when called when placed in vibration mode. A cell phone is such an example of an electronic device that contains a vibration motor. Another example can be a rumble pack of a game controller that shakes, imitating the actions of a game. One controller where a rumble pack could be added as an accessory is nintendo 64, which came with rumble packs so that the controller would vibrate to imitate gaming actions. A third example could be a toy such as a furby that vibrates when you a user does actions such as rub it or squeeze it, etc.


Post time: Jul-05-2018
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